Why Rotary? - Because it is still needed and relevant

Paul Harris
Rotary International started in 1905, when Paul Harris moved to Chicago as a young attorney, and did not know whom he could trust.
He sought out community members of integrity to build a network of associates dedicated to ethical dealings, honesty and Service Above Self.
Rotary’s name came from the group’s early practice of rotating meetings among the offices of its members.
They developed the Four-Way Test as their guiding principle:
In all things that we think, say or do:
Is it the TRUTH?
Is it FAIR to all concerned?
Since then, Rotary International has grown to 1.2 million members in over 35,000 clubs in almost every country of the world - still driven by the same guiding principles of its founders.
Under its motto Service Above Self, Rotary has tackled the world's toughest problems, like eradicating Polio from the face of the earth - and we are this close to that goal.
Check out Rotary International at www.rotary.org
Hear what our Lubbock club members say about Rotary, why they joined, and why they are still involved...
"For me, the reason for joining the Rotary Club Of Lubbock was to meet and get to know the successful members of our community that have a proven track record of positively impacting our area, while displaying the highest ethical standards of leadership. The Four Way Test is a guiding principle in professional interaction for Rotarians, and being able to trust while achieving as a team is very important to me."
"To me, the appeal of Rotary was its international footprint and being able to support worldwide projects right here from Lubbock, Texas. Rotarians worldwide abide to the same ethical principles regardless of religion, politics or social beliefs. Rotary to me is neutral ground on which many of society's toughest problems are being solved, like Polio eradication, hunger and peace keeping."
"I initially joined the Rotary Club of Lubbock as a way of building new relationships in my community. Now, after seeing the power Rotary wields to really, truly help humanity, I realize that I am a part of something big enough to literally eradicate polio yet also small enough to improve lives right here in Lubbock. It’s easy to get excited about being with a group of like-minded people that gets hands-on in the fight against hunger, in education, and in providing hope to people around us, many of whom desperately need it."